
Dwain Chase
Worshipful Master

Lou Lacilento

Joseph Miele
Senior Deacon

Bill Arnold

Robert King
Senior Warden

Paul Sweitek

Junior Steward

Augustin Delgado
Junior Warden

John Ekstrom
Junior Deacon

Senior Steward
Becoming A Mason
Making Good Men Better
Masons are old fashioned. We believe in freedom. We believe in a Supreme Being. We believe in service to those who are less fortunate.
We believe in helping young people get a head start in life. We believe in the Brotherhood of Man. We come from every walk of life. From laborers to businessmen; from astronauts to entertainers; from soldiers to presidents. We stand tall, proud to be called Masons.
Who Can Join
Men who come to us of their own free will and,
Who are of lawful age (18 or older in Arizona) and,
Who have a good reputation and,
Who are properly sponsored and,
Who believe in a Supreme Being and,
Who have hope of immortality.
Who Can't Join
Women. (there are separate affiliated organizations for women)
Young Men who are not yet 18.
Men who are not of sound mind.
Men who are foolish in their conduct.
Men who are motivated by idle curiosity or for material gain.
Note: Race, Religion, Country of Origin are not requisites for membership.
There are affiliated organizations for men and women under the age of 21.
No member of Apache Lodge should ask you to join.
You must ask us.
How To Join
There are a few important things you should know and consider before applying to join the Masonic Fraternity.
Masonry has in all ages insisted that men shall come to its doors entirely of their own free will; not from feelings of curiosity, but from a favorable opinion of the Institution and a desire to be numbered among its members.